Time and method of Muslim people to dedicate prayers

Once you supposed to be a Muslim employees and employees travel?

Time and method of Muslim people to dedicate prayers Once you supposed to be a Muslim employees and employees travel? Know should be One of Notes These days of globalization advance, would have been even more companies there are Muslims (Muslims) to employees. The Muslims there are unfamiliar customs in Japanese, such as choice of halal or scheduled. It has put together a point to go to know to welcome the Muslim employees. For Halal and Haram Note the pork and alcohol Once you supposed to be a Muslim employees and employees travel, it is the point should be kept first and foremost [halal] and [Haram]. The Halal is the meaning of that [is allowed] [is accepted] in Arabic. Hallam is like [forbidden] [illegal] in the sense of the reverse. So [halal food] is, food that has been permitted to eat, will be called. The care must be taken is in the Haramufudo], [pork] Muslims can not be in the mouth. Not only the pork itself, processed ham and bacon, gelatin derived from pork, lard, also, such as pork extract of soup is useless. In addition, the note will be alcohol also Haramufudo.